Projeto Harmonize apresenta relatório sobre desafios climáticos no Baixo Tocantins

Harmonize Project presents report on climate challenges in Baixo Tocantins

The document was prepared jointly by researchers and the community and will be detailed during a new round of visits to Mocajuba and Cametá, in Pará.

Amazônia Vox é finalista do Prêmio Roche de Jornalismo em Saúde

Amazônia Vox is a finalist for the Roche Health Journalism Award

The award had more than 800 entries from 21 countries, including Latin America, Spain and the United States

Narrativas que transformam: Como contar histórias sobre segurança alimentar e mudanças climáticas

Storytelling that Transforms: How to Tell Stories about Food Security and Climate Change

From communicators to communicators, in-person event aims to connect the debate on climate and food security from the perspective of independent media

OPA! Confira 20 Oportunidades Para Amazônidas com prazo em setembro

OPA! Check out 20 Opportunities for Amazonians with a deadline in September

Access calls for scholarships, notices and free courses

Museu Goeldi recebe exposição Fóssil Vivo

Goeldi Museum hosts Living Fossil exhibition

Interactive exhibition uses Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology to enhance visitors' experience of two distinct geological periods of Brazil's largest biome. Visitors will come into contact with Megafauna that have been extinct for thousands of years and with the history of the Amazon as a sea.