Dicas de cientistas da Amazônia para falar sobre queimadas

Tips from Amazon scientists for talking about fires

Researchers from several states in the region are studying the phenomenon and their contacts are available in the Amazônia Vox source database

ICMBio instaura emergência diante da seca extrema no Amazonas

ICMBio declares emergency due to extreme drought in Amazonas

Amid the water crisis, ICMBio expands efforts to protect dolphins in Lake Tefé, after significant mortality in 2023, and provides humanitarian support to the local population

Embaixada dos EUA seleciona projeto de capacitação para jornalistas amazônicos sobre desinformação climática

US Embassy selects training project for Amazonian journalists on climate disinformation

The Bem da Amazônia and Amazônia Vox Institute project is one of 12 selected by the Small Grants program and will have training and a free event

Alunos discutem a relação esporte e meio ambiente em revisão de reportagem

Students discuss the relationship between sport and the environment in a report review

During the review and editing of a report by Amazônia Vox, students from the Antônio Lemos public school debate topics such as preservation and care for the environment

Webinar pelo Dia do Professor marca abertura do III Ciclo de formações da Amazônia Vox

Webinar for Teacher's Day marks the opening of the 3rd Amazon Vox training cycle

The free live session will be attended by Marta Avancini, from Jeduca and teachers Marcela Castro (PA) and Eliana Nukini (AC).

Amazônia Vox é selecionada para programa Changemakers, em Londres e Oxford

Amazônia Vox is selected for the Changemakers program, in London and Oxford

Daniel Nardin, CEO, is one of those selected and will participate in the Trust Conference and training in the United Kingdom for new connections

Mudanças climáticas e a preservação do meio ambiente na perspectiva de crianças e adolescentes

Climate change and environmental preservation from the perspective of children and adolescents

Report produced by the Children's and Youth Journalism Collective for Casa Comum Magazine presents concerns of children and adolescents about climate change in the Amazon

OPA! Confira 20 Oportunidades Para Amazônidas com prazo em Outubro

OPA! Check out 20 Opportunities for Amazonians with a deadline in October

We select notices, events, calls and awards with good opportunities for Amazonians in different areas

Amazônia Vox passa em seleção e terá cobertura da COP16 de Biodiversidade

Amazônia Vox passes the selection process and will cover the COP16 on Biodiversity

Cley Medeiros is one of the four journalists approved for a remote coverage grant, and the content will be published on the Amazônia Vox website, with an approach focused on climate emergencies, conservation policies and the impacts on local communities.