Amazônia Vox participa de treinamento sobre Transição Climática Justa realizado pela Fundação Reuters

Amazônia Vox participates in training on Just Climate Transition held by the Reuters Foundation

Training was conducted in online and in-person sessions at Reuters headquarters in São Paulo

Webinar marca pré-lançamento da plataforma Amazônia Vox

Webinar marks pre-launch of the Amazônia Vox platform

Online event brings together different voices and perspectives to address the centrality of the Amazon on the global agenda and is aimed at communicators in the region

Amazônia Vox é selecionado para programa da Meta e ICFJ

Amazônia Vox is selected for Meta and ICFJ program

Amazônia Vox was selected for the META + ICFJ program, with the aim of launching an Amazon Knowledge Sources Bank platform and promoting independent journalism with a focus on solutions journalism.

Amazônia Vox é selecionado para programa de bolsas da Dart Center

Amazônia Vox is selected for Dart Center scholarship program

Amazônia Vox selected for Dart Center fellowship, focused on improving early childhood coverage in Brazil, with a focus on prenatal challenges in the Amazon.

Google seleciona Amazônia Vox para integrar Lab de Sustentabilidade

Google selects Amazônia Vox to join Sustainability Lab

The initiative, led by the Google News Initiative, seeks to train and support journalistic projects that work on environmental coverage and scientific dissemination, especially in the Amazon.

Amazônia Vox é selecionado para programa do ICFJ e Youtube

Amazônia Vox is selected for ICFJ and Youtube program

The Amazônia Vox project, an initiative of the Bem da Amazônia Institute, was one of nine Brazilian projects selected to participate in the Jogo Limpo 2.0 Program

Banco de fontes da Amazônia entra no ar em fase de testes com mais de 500 cadastros

Amazon font bank goes live in testing phase with more than 500 registrations

Amazon Vox platform connects journalists and media outlets with knowledge sources and freelancers in the region