Media Party: Na Columbia (NY), Amazônia Vox apresenta iniciativa para reforçar protagonismo local

Media Party: In Columbia (NY), Amazônia Vox presents an initiative to reinforce local protagonism

Lecture took place at Pullitzer Hall, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, New York

Inscrições abertas para o 3° ciclo de formações Amazônia Vox

Registration open for the 3rd cycle of Amazônia Vox training

New round is supported by the Itaú Foundation and will have two webinars open to the public and four closed sessions with exclusive workshops for communicators from the Amazon

Saiba como evitar reproduzir estereótipos sobre  a Amazônia

Learn how to avoid reproducing stereotypes about the Amazon

Debate on the place to speak about the Amazon marked the last session of the II Online Training of Amazônia Vox.

Iniciativa de jovens mulheres crava espaço amazônico na Semana do Clima de NY

Young women's initiative stakes out Amazon space at NY Climate Week

The event brought together more than 500 people throughout the day, placing the Amazon at the center of the debate from the perspective of people who live in the region and work in the territory

“COP 30 precisa ser a COP das pessoas e da ciência”, afirma Ana Toni

“COP 30 needs to be the COP of people and science”, says Ana Toni

During an event during Climate Week, the national secretary for Climate stated that sectors such as industry must advance in decarbonization, but support the country's prioritization in combating deforestation and reforestation actions to reduce emissions

Climate Week | Pará firma acordo para venda de R$ 1 bi em créditos de carbono; medida pode acelerar regulação no Congresso

Climate Week | Pará signs agreement to sell R$1 billion in carbon credits; measure could speed up regulation in Congress

The announcement was made at Casa Amazônia on Monday (23) and made official on Tuesday (24). Ana Toni reinforces the urgency of market regulation by Congress

Climate Week | Casa Amazônia em NY reúne diversidade cultural e debate soluções climáticas na região

Climate Week | Casa Amazônia in NY brings together cultural diversity and debates climate solutions in the region

This Tuesday (23), Casa Amazônia NY promotes debates that highlight cultural diversity and innovative solutions from Amazonians to the climate emergency, such as the bioeconomy.

Climate Week | Amazônia Vox fará cobertura especial com foco nas vozes amazônicas durante evento em Nova York

Climate Week | Amazon Vox to provide special coverage focusing on Amazonian voices during event in New York

In addition to the agenda to follow debates and panels on the theme of the Amazon region, Amazônia Vox participates in an event at Casa Amazônia